Karen Baden Thapa

Fine Art Printmaking & Collage


East Bay Open Studios 2019

Multimedia/Collage, PrintmakingKaren Baden Thapa

I had a great time at the open studios this last weekend. I was invited to join a group of artists and we set up our displays in the Studio One Art Center in Oakland. Participating in Open Studios and other shows where I have a booth is important because it gives me a chance to talk with collectors and other artists to get feedback on my work. Of course, a purchase is the best feedback and it makes the experience more fun.

I am working on two series right now. Croplands which is primarily monotypes and my Sea & Shore etchings. I have also begun making collages using my ghost prints and other non-editioned paper that I cut up and glue down.


Washi Paper Collage

Multimedia/CollageKaren Baden Thapa

There is a stationary store in S.F. Japantown that has beautiful, high quality, made in Japan, washi paper.  The colors and designs are amazing and I am every time I visit a new pattern tempts me.  This is a collage that I made using some of my favorite blue papers and acrylic paint on 300 lb watercolor paper.

Nepal Gods

PaintingKaren Baden Thapa

IMG_5015 IMG_5012 IMG_5003 These three collages were made with cut and torn papers including Nepal God prints made with rice paper, acrylic paints and acrylic mediums.  They are on sturdy, 300b watercolor paper and the edges were left exposed to give them an informal mat.


PaintingKaren Baden Thapa

KBT_astrolabe3KBT_astrolabeKBT_astrolabe2 Greenwich Observatory has a lovely collection of astrolabes.  They are astronomical instruments that were used by navigators to calculate the positions of the sun, the moon and the stars.  One in particular, an intricate brass piece, caught my eye.  I drew it and created a block print out of the drawing.  The print is at the center of these three collages that I made on heavy weight paper, using gold paper strips and acrylic paint