Karen Baden Thapa

Fine Art Printmaking & Collage

Sedona Prints

PrintmakingKaren Baden Thapa

Sedona3sunsetEtch Sedona


These are three of my Sedona prints.  The middle is printed with etching ink only and the others have ink with a watercolor washes added afterwards.  I find that printmaking paper holds up very well to multiple washed of color.


PaintingKaren Baden Thapa

KBT_astrolabe3KBT_astrolabeKBT_astrolabe2 Greenwich Observatory has a lovely collection of astrolabes.  They are astronomical instruments that were used by navigators to calculate the positions of the sun, the moon and the stars.  One in particular, an intricate brass piece, caught my eye.  I drew it and created a block print out of the drawing.  The print is at the center of these three collages that I made on heavy weight paper, using gold paper strips and acrylic paint

Pen & Ink

DrawingKaren Baden Thapa

Version 2 This is one of the first pen and ink drawings that I finished after I began studying art at U.C. Irvine.  It was the late 1970's and I think that era is reflected in the drawing.   I did allot of these intricate "profile" images.  This one is probably the weirdest.

Etching and Watercolors

PrintmakingKaren Baden Thapa

I love both etching and watercolor so lately,  I have been combining them.  This is a drawing that I did of a California red octopus on display at the Hatfield Marine Research Center, in Newport Oregon.  The octopus was plastered to the side of the tank.  I transferred the drawing to a copper plate, etched it and applied a spray paint aquatint to give it the sandy background.